Artistian Jewelry,Green Living, and Humane Society Activities


Carrot Love

Oh Carrot how I love thee,
With all your beta-cartone you help me to see,
All of your healthy vitamin A contained within,
You wrap me in your tender embrace and feed me minerals,
Carrot, oh carrot, what would I do without your dietary fiber?
Your antioxidants help my cells stay fresh and clean.
Carrot....thanks for all the love!!!

That is my carrot poem....ha, ha, ha. I won't be winning any contests anytime soon. I found this awesome "Love Carrot" in my garden and I thought it deserved a little poem. I love carrots!!! These red carrots are an especially tasty variety.

My husband and I try to grow a garden every year. Growing a garden is just a small part of our attempt at "green living". This year the garden has been going pretty good, with the exception of having to water it everyday during the month of July. We have had very little rain in the last month or soon. I grew 90% of the plants from seed. I have 18 tomato plants (4 different varieties). I will have tomatoes coming out of my ears so. I didn't think that all of them would survive, so I planted all the seedlings. Ahh, ummm....they all made it and I planted them when they were under 2 inches tall.

I plan on making pasta sauce, ketchup, and salsa with the bounty and the leftovers I will donate to food pantry. I also have 3 habanero pepper plants that have tons of teeny peppers on them. Those will put some pep in your step....for sure!!! Last year I made some super yummy jelly out of those. You can mix carrots and red peppers in the jelly so isn't as fiery hot.

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