Artistian Jewelry,Green Living, and Humane Society Activities


Pirates of the Cat-i-bean Mosaic Photo Frames

These lovely glass mosaic photo frames were made by yours truly for the Jefferson County Humane Society annual "Fur Ball" fundraiser. The "Fur Ball" is a yearly fundraiser for the shelter that has a different theme each year. This year's theme is Pirates of the Cat-i-bean. Pretty cool, I think!!! These frames could be used to hold your favorite photo or you could put a mirror in the opening to admire your lovely mug.

These were fun to make and I am planning on making some other mosaic type items in the next couple of weeks. I have some ideas rolling around in my head....and three bags of grout ready!!! I have made mosaic birdhouses and other items in the past, but you know how it goes with having too many ideas and hobbies; there is just not enough time......ahhh the life of a artist...he, he, he.

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