Artistian Jewelry,Green Living, and Humane Society Activities


Seriously, what is up with all the snow??

This is a view of my backyard looking out my studio window. Seriously, what is up with all the snow??? Last year we had over 100 inches of snow were I live and I am soooo not ready for that again!!! Well I guess you have to expect a little snow when you live in Wisconsin....but jeepers....come on people....100 inches? That is just plain nuts!

Today is a good day to stay inside next to the fireplace with your jammies on and a nice cup of hot cocoa. That sounds awesome....I think I will go and do that right now, cause I am freezing! Bundle up and stay warm people!

1 comment:

OurWanderingAdventures said...

oooo that's a lot of snow! It's raining and snowing today here so verrry icy!