Artistian Jewelry,Green Living, and Humane Society Activities


Gertrude and Stewart

This is my Gertrude giving Stewart a sniff. I caught her doing this many times in the last few days. I don't think that her intentions are all that good. I see her licking her lips. She thinks that he is a snack. Stewart knows of Gertrude's intentions...he nipped her on the nose and she hasn't been back up there peeking into his cage since. I have caught her many a time chomping on moles and chasing chipmunks in our backyard. She and Stella even got a squirrel last year. They chased and chased it around the backyard and had the poor thing cornered. I dragged them off of the huffing and puffing squirrel and into the house. I then went to check on the squirrel and he had run I was relieved that they hadn't injured the poor guy.

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